Lesbians… we all know each other, no?
Hey little lesbians- I’ve been thinking about the Six Degrees of Separation as it applies to lesbian interactions especially in Atlanta, GA. In case you don’t know anything about the Six Degrees of Separation theory let me give you a little lesson. Six degrees of separation is the philosophy that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world, so that a chain of “a friend of a friend” statements can be made to connect any two people in six steps at most. So think about it, there’s like 0-1 degrees of separation when it comes to lesbianism (well at least in Atlanta). I keep saying “in Atlanta” because this is where I live. I don’t know a damn about Milwaukee Dykin.
So, I’ve been seeing this delightful woman, Little Miss Love Song, I haven’t written about her/us because I’ve given my word that I wouldn’t. I really have so many nice things to say but let me stop before I infringe on our agreement. Anyway, She asked me about the women I’d been seeing previous to when she and I started seeing each other. She called out a random woman from my past that I’d gone on 7-11 dates with recently. This chick I call Little Miss Inconsistent- because she is just that… mixed signal slinging, pop up as she pleases etc. Hence why I haven’t written about her, She’s not around enough. Let me get back on track. Little Miss Love Song and Little Miss Inconsistent are acquainted through one or two mutual friends. While this lack of separation is annoying it’s not problematic for me.
The rundown: One of my good friends ex-girlfriends is the now boo of my bestie from my late teens and early twenties. Shit, if we’re going to be honest I’m “guilty” of seeing someone who is an ex of woman that I’ve been shall we say…. Friendly with. Little Miss Asshole is sorta besties with someone I’ve been intimate with. So I say all of this to ask a question; does the lack of degrees of separation make it impossible to maintain the “G-code”? G-code meaning you don’t deal with someone who is cool with someone you’ve dealt with in the past and/or ex boo of your friend’s homegirl. I feel it’s not impossible to maintain the G-code but it could be wasted efforts. Like don’t be a complete ho about it, don’t be the smash n’ pass between a crew. But if the bitches ain’t “bruhs” is it cool? Like where do you draw the line? Birds of a feather flock together, so quality bitches are bound to know each other if only just in passing.
Shit is stressful if you let it be, luckily for me… I don’t do stress. I’m grown, I’m not malicious, and I’m mindful of karma and people’s feelings. But really, what’s a girl to do?!
The Hideout: Supes BDAY
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