whatever is going on in my love life, or shall we say like life... warning this may dry up
Little Miss Sunshine
I had to wait a while to write this one y’all…. I don’t even know where to start.I met this woman in the midst of early covid shut down. I mean so early in the shut down that people with…
a Brand New Day
So, I know I have a habit of disappearing and reappearing from this here blog; but your girl has been generally uninspired lately-also I’ve been struggling with what direction I’m about to take Little Miss Lesbo. So as far as…
A Little Reflection
Let’s keep it funky…like for real, let’s keep it a buck. I get trash treatment from trash individuals because I’m not using my built-in filtration system. Fuck not using it… ya girl has all but deactivated all filtration! I’ve gotten…
That One Time I tried Polyamory
So, yall…. I’ve been missing for a while. Whats new… right? I wish I had a reason I could blame my absenteeism on or something in particular. But, honestly ya girl has been working sickening gigs in tech making decent…
Modus Operandi
Ok, as I spoke of in my last post I’ve been feeling like I could be open to the idea of love again. With that said, ya girl is out here dating and playing by my own rules. It’s nice…
All the Feels
Hey kittens, I’m settling in ok… I mean I can walk again (I was out 50 days) I started a lil temp gig that seems like a good fit (the view from my desk is sick’nin af!) Ya girl Is…
Love don’t live here anymore
Bruh!!! The Hopeful Romantic is honestly not out here romancing!! I love the concept of love and the relationships I’ve been in were a dope feeling until they weren’t anymore. If you’re a regular here you know I’m for good for…
Good things come, to those who… DESERVE IT!
So, surprise- surprise… I’VE BEEN DATING! I don’t wanna jump ahead of myself or speak too soon- but she is downright amazing! We met on OKC (yes, the dating app I met Amina on *eye roll*). I got bored one…
Tired of First Dates
I know I’ve said time and time again that I’m “done dating” and me being the lover of love that I am- I’m rapidly smitten by another woman. Here’s the thing I’m hella tired of awkward interactions and first dates.…
Bambi and why I’m done dating
I’ve spent the better part of 2017 as a romantic tumbleweed. I kept dating a woman I knew damn well was no good for my creative process far longer than I should’ve, my ex (I will tell you which one…