whatever is going on in my love life, or shall we say like life... warning this may dry up
Somethin’ New
Okay… I know I’ve been missing a little bit… shits been crazy between work, trying to plan for this book and a new Little Miss! I haven’t been seeing her long but so far so good so I thought why…
Love with no contingencies
con·tin·gen·cy noun a future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. “a detailed contract that attempts to provide for all possible contingencies” : synonymseventuality, (chance) event, incident, happening, occurrence, juncture,possibility, fortuity, accident,chance, emergency“we’ve tried to imagine and provide for all possible contingencies” o …
Miss Me with That.
I’ve always been a fool for romantics I love the idea of being in love. As a child (and honestly as an adult) I was addicted to Cinderella and The Little Mermaid not realizing the damaging messages they were teaching…
Little Miss Serendipity
So this was the second valentineless Valentine’s Day in a row for me, and I was totally fine with It. I have literally no interest in awkward “romantic” rituals done out of tradition by someone who doesn’t love me. I…
Its Not Me- Its You.
Last week I was at Bible Study when I heard something that really stuck with me “Just because they aren’t for you doesn’t mean they are a bad a person” Sounds like a simple thought for most; but for me…
2014 resolutions
Ok, I’m back- yes after yet another hiatus. I really needed to collect my thoughts and quite frankly get my love life together. Let me give y’all a quick catch up. I started back dating Little Miss Asshole, she moved…
Lessons learned as taught by Little Miss Love Song.
So, about Little Miss Love Song who earned that name from being beautiful (inside and out) like a love song. Lets talk about her. Shall we? I did agree that I wouldn’t talk about our, shall we say … Dealings…
Lesbians… we all know each other, no?
Hey little lesbians- I’ve been thinking about the Six Degrees of Separation as it applies to lesbian interactions especially in Atlanta, GA. In case you don’t know anything about the Six Degrees of Separation theory let me give you a…
Little Miss Can’t Keep a Bitch
So I’ve been thinking… maybe I’m one of those girls who thinks too highly of themselves. If we’re going to be honest I can’t keep a bitch. Or perhaps I cant keep the ones worth keeping but still that’s something I need…
The demise of Little Miss Asshole
As I stated in my last entry she and I were winding down. Her snarky comments really started to cut deep and be reminiscent of the days of little miss crazytown (my ex). Mama thought it was ok to say…