
whatever is going on in my love life, or shall we say like life... warning this may dry up

  • Dating

    Somethin’ New

    Okay… I know I’ve been missing a little bit… shits been crazy between work, trying to plan for this book and a new Little Miss! I haven’t been seeing her long but so far so good so I thought why…

  • Dating

    Love with no contingencies

    con·tin·gen·cy noun a future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. “a detailed contract that attempts to provide for all possible contingencies” : synonymseventuality, (chance) event, incident, happening, occurrence, juncture,possibility, fortuity, accident,chance, emergency“we’ve tried to imagine and provide for all possible contingencies” o   …

  • Dating,  Uncategorized

    Miss Me with That.

    I’ve always been a fool for romantics I love the idea of being in love. As a child (and honestly as an adult) I was addicted to Cinderella and The Little Mermaid not realizing the damaging messages they were teaching…

  • Dating

    Little Miss Serendipity

    So this was the second valentineless Valentine’s Day in a row for me, and I was totally fine with It. I have literally no interest in awkward “romantic” rituals done out of tradition by someone who doesn’t love me. I…

  • Dating

    Its Not Me- Its You.

    Last week I was at Bible Study when I heard something that really stuck with me “Just because they aren’t for you doesn’t mean they are a bad a person” Sounds like a simple thought for most; but for me…

  • Dating

    2014 resolutions

    Ok, I’m back- yes after yet another hiatus. I really needed to collect my thoughts and quite frankly get my love life together. Let me give y’all a quick catch up. I started back dating Little Miss Asshole, she moved…

  • Dating

    Little Miss Can’t Keep a Bitch

    So I’ve been thinking… maybe I’m one of those girls who thinks too highly of themselves. If we’re going to be honest I can’t keep a bitch. Or perhaps I cant keep the ones worth keeping but still that’s something I need…

  • Dating

    The demise of Little Miss Asshole

    As I stated in my last entry she and I were winding down. Her snarky comments really started to cut deep and be reminiscent of the days of little miss crazytown (my ex). Mama thought it was ok to say…