Just a friend… the friend zone acceptance.
My Two closest friends happen to be two very attractive women who are both much more masculine looking than I am. This has led to me often being considered “one of the boys” when we get with their other friends…
Somethin’ New
Okay… I know I’ve been missing a little bit… shits been crazy between work, trying to plan for this book and a new Little Miss! I haven’t been seeing her long but so far so good so I thought why…
Getting Grown-THE YEAR OF BETTER (not so dirty 30)
I operate on the “year of EeJay” one that begins on April 1st (my birthday- save the jokes-please) and ends March 31st (my birthday eve). Now, don’t get me wrong… I still honor the year as its been laid out,…
Whats in a DAB? The older I get the more I find that there are less people who are governed by loyalty than I thought. Sometime in 2009 I came up with my life motto “If you’re not a down…
The dangers of e-crushing
We all have fallen victim to crushing: be it a short lived crush or one that lasts years; its human nature really. You see someone you find visually appealing and then you become infatuated with them. Its all cute and…
I’se natural now!
Natural hair seems to be a “movement” and its one I can appreciate. The wave of women of color (WOC) choosing to wear their own hair in its natural state is outstanding. I was a notorious weave wearer for about…
I’m Not Crazy!
I am an extremely flaky person when it comes to projects. I have been known to start host of projects that never reach their full potential. I am the type of person who will sit on a dope idea for…
Love with no contingencies
con·tin·gen·cy noun a future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. “a detailed contract that attempts to provide for all possible contingencies” : synonymseventuality, (chance) event, incident, happening, occurrence, juncture,possibility, fortuity, accident,chance, emergency“we’ve tried to imagine and provide for all possible contingencies” o …
I had a craving for ribs prepared in a way I had never had… I wanted them sticky, sweet and a little spicy I had short ribs in my freezer and I thought they’d be PERFECT for this recipe. I…
I had a craving for ribs prepared in a way I had never had… I wanted them sticky, sweet and a little spicy I had short ribs in my freezer and I thought they’d be PERFECT for this recipe.…